Mass spectrometry-based multiomics
The omics disciplines emerged to investigate the compound information of an entire organism. High-throughput analytical techniques are essential to decipher the molecular code of life. Mass spectrometry evolved as major analytical tool for sensitive and fast molecular screening.
The aim of the Rampler lab is to develop and apply novel mass spectrometry-based workflows in the multiomics areas.
Lipidomics, glycolipidomics, metabolomics and multiomics
High-resolution mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, multidimensional separation and standardization
Targets: Lipids, glycolipids, metabolites, biomolecules in human plasma, stem cells, plants, tumor microenvironment
Selected articles
Selected articles
E. Rampler, G. Hermann, G. Grabmann, H. Schoeny, Y. El Abiead, C. Baumgartinger, T. Koecher, G. Koellensperger, Benchmarking non-targeted metabolomics using yeast derived libraries, Metabolites, 2021, 11(3), 160
E. Rampler, H. Schoeny, M. Rusz, Y. El Abiead, F. Hildebrand, V. Fitz, G. Koellensperger, Recurrent Topics in Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics and Lipidomics— Standardization, Coverage, and Throughput, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93, 1, 519–545
L. Panzenboeck, N. Troppmair, S. Schlachter, G. Koellensperger, J. Hartler and E. Rampler, Chasing the major sphingolipids on earth: Automated annotation of plant glycosyl inositol phospho ceramides by glycolipidomics, Metabolites, 2020, 10, 375
E. Rampler, D. Egger, H. Schoeny, M. Rusz, M.P. Pacheco, G. Marino, C. Kasper, T. Naegele, G. Koellensperger, The Power of LC-MS Based Multiomics: Exploring Adipogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells, Molecules, 2019, 24, 3615
E. Rampler, A. Criscuolo, M. Zeller, Y. El Abiead, H. Schoeny, G. Hermann, E. Sokol, K. Cook, D. A. Peake, B. Delanghe, G. Koellensperger, A novel lipidomics workflow for improved human plasma identification and quantification using RPLC-MSn methods and isotope dilution strategies, Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90, 11, 6494-6501
E. Rampler, C. Coman, G. Hermann, A. Sickmann, R. Ahrends, G. Koellensperger, LILY-Lipidome Isotope Labeling of Yeast: In vivo synthesis of 13C labeled reference lipids for quantification by mass spectrometry, Analyst, 2017, 142, 1891-1899